The campuses of Central Lakes College, Brainerd and Staples, are dotted with construction zones as remodeling and ventilation improvements take place this summer. Here are some of the projects: 1. New Videography Production studio and Mac lab at Staples; 2. Chalberg Theater, where work begins July 19 to install new seating, technology; 3. Creation of a 48-person computer lab from 2 Brainerd math wing classrooms; 4. New air handlers for science labs, classrooms, gym, weight rooms, and Robotics; 5. New gym floor logo and wall painting; 6. New carpet and east-end windows; 7. New Brainerd campus weight room equipment; 8. Technology upgrades in classrooms. Much of the work is scheduled for completion prior to the Aug. 23 fall semester start. The theater renovation is scheduled to be completed by the end of September, according to Kari Christiansen, vice president of administrative services.