Great Depression & Great Recession
The Center for Lifelong Learning at Central Lakes College
presents Dr. Louis Johnston, head of economics at St. John’s University and the
College of St. Benedict on Thursday, Jan. 26, where he will address the Great Depression
and the Great Recession. Johnston’s
talk begins at 6:30 p.m. in Chalberg Theatre on the Brainerd campus, where
admission is free to members of the Center for Lifelong Learning, $5 for
non-members. Johnston
specializes in macroeconomics and economic history. His most recent projects
focus on analyzing the evolution of Minnesota’s economy and how Minnesota
became “above average” over the past 60 years. He writes a weekly column
on economics and the economy for, and is a regular guest on
Minnesota Public Radio’s “Midday” program. For information on The Center for
Lifelong Learning, visit