After a breakfast provided by the Central Lakes College Foundation to all in attendance, Educational Forecaster Jim Brazell presented the keynote address today at Central Lakes College for more than 100 high school administrators, instructors, and counselors from 26 school districts. They joined CLC educators for the prelude to a new academic year. Also in the audience for this Duty Day was State Rep. John Ward, who has been an educator in the Brainerd School District as well as a lawmaker. Brazell has traveled the United States and internationally advocating the importance of cooperation across the disciplines – especially career and technical education, academics and the arts. He presented his talk from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Brainerd campus gymnasium, speaking about next-generation education, work, and technology . . . and what is next. The audience included educators from the schools that offer college credits through classes in the CLC College in the Schools program. The Duty Day included break-outs among collaborators and others implementing the college's revised Strategic Plan as the new academic year arrives on Monday, Aug. 23 with record enrollment expected for 2010-2011. The event concluded with an all-employee pig roast/potluck on the Brainerd campus at the close of the work day.