Central Lakes College is hosting nine students in the Community College for International Development program during the 2010-11 academic year. They arrived Aug. 1 to meet their mentor families, who maintain regular contact with the students and participate in activities to augment the time at CLC. The students reside near the Brainerd campus. The students include (front) Jaka Mahendra, Indonesia; and from left standing, Bradley Van der Zandt, South Africa; Jose’ Sergio Cardoza Salguero, El Salvador; Hugo Ruano Diaz, Guatemala; Renata Barreto, Brazil; Muraty Harsono, Indonesia; Dulce Perez Herrera, Guatemala; Miguel Porras Cruz, Guatemala; Djamaluddin Paratmadi, Indonesia. They are pictured with Student Activities Director Erich Heppner (third from left) at the home of CLC Admissions Rep John Richardson, where they introduced themselves to one another and got acquainted with their mentor families. Two German exchange stduents are also coming to CLC, arriving on Aug.10. Joan Jenkins is the international student coordinator, working out of our Admissions Department.