Fifteen Central Lakes College Spanish Club students participated in the American Association of University Women - Brainerd branch's fourth annual Brain Buster Jan. 22 at Northland Arboretum. The trivia event raised approximately $900 for the Central Lakes College Scholarship fund. Fourteen teams competed, answering questions posed by Dan Hegstad and Rollin Buck, emcee and referee respectively. Colleen LeBlanc, chair of the event, said they were especially pleased with the age mix of people who played this year. AAUW sponsors two scholarships of $600 each year. One of the scholarships is designated for a second year non-traditional student. Pictured: Team members Abra Fisk (left), CLC Spanish Club president; George Fruth, MESA participant-10+ years and CLC alum; and Jamy Olson, CLC Spanish alum, Latino Festival committee member and 10 years attendee of MESA.