Central Lakes College on April 20 (Brainerd campus) and 21 (Staples campus) will showcase its civic engagement and service learning projects that have helped the community and technical college achieve placement on the President's National Honor Roll for Civic Engagement and Service Learning. The Minnesota Campus Compact hosted a workshop at Carleton College, Northfield, at which CLC officials were honored to work with other institutional leaders and assess local goals aimed at engaging CLC students, faculty, and staff in hands-on volunteer opportunities that contribute to our communities. In one year, the college's total hours committed to civic engagement increased from 10,313 to 38,569, according to data reported by Rebecca Best, dean of workforce, regional and economic development (pictured at the workshop with the CLC display outlining civic engagement activities). She was accompanied to the workshop by Erich Heppner, director of student activities; Connie Frisch, director of nursing; and Beverly Berg, administrative support staff in customized training.