Friday, March 9 is Career Exploration Day at Central Lakes College. The Brainerd campus expects about 2,300 area high school students from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with lunch included from the partnership of organizations working in support of the Bridges Career Academies and Workplace Connection. There are no Friday classes scheduled for CLC students, who also have next week off as spring break. Dozens of businesses and college programs will be showcased for the high school students. Many interactive demonstrations, simulations, illustrations,and experiments are scheduled across both levels of the campus. Career clusters: 1. Business, Management, & Administration; 2. Human Services; 3. Arts, Communication & Information Systems; 4. Engineering, Manufacturing & Technology; 5. Health Science Technology; 6. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. Liberal Arts activities in the east wing include chemistry experiments with the "mad scientists," how things are made in biology, expressing yourself on paper (composition), why it's important to ask why (philosophy), interacting with earth and sky (earth science), what it takes to be an author, fun talking (speech), and how we're made (health). Prizes include an I Pad ($500), Kindle Fire ($200), and $10 gift cards, plus giveaways at booths. A Money Machine Cash Grab will award Grad Blast funds to the winning school.