Sep 25, 2013

Central Lakes College Awarded $3.7 million Department of Labor Grant

The U.S. Department of Labor announced that Central lakes College will receive a grant of $3.7 million as part of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant (TAACCCT) Program.

CLC ($3,710,338) applied as a part of a multi-state consortium of community colleges led by Pine Technical College ($6,898,193) in Minnesota and joined by Ridgewater College, MN ($3,048,062) and North Central Texas College. TX ($4,660,429). The consortium was awarded a total of $18,317,022.

Sep 23, 2013

CLC Cultural Thursday Event on October 3 : China

The next CLC Cultural Thursday presentation is headed to Beijing, China, where speaker, Spencer Hartsock, spent five months as a student at Minzu University.  Through the worldwide Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) program, he received credits in Anthropology and the Chinese language. 

“As I had no prior knowledge of the Chinese Language, and my teacher spoke no English, the intensive Chinese class was imperative!” Spencer pointed out.  “I was given an orientation by a Tibetan at my school, where he taught me to use body language, some cultural interactions and signs to produce communication.”  With that and some minimal orientation on basic international travel skills, Spencer traveled to Tibet and throughout Qinghai province.  

Sep 20, 2013

CLC Nursing Accreditation

The Central Lakes College (CLC) Practical Nursing department has been diligently working to prepare for an upcoming national accreditation visit. The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) is the governing organization for national accreditation for nursing programs. ACEN supports nursing education, nursing practice and the public. Central Lakes College is seeking initial national accreditation for the Practical Nursing program and the Associate Degree (Mobility) Nursing program. Accreditation means that nursing programs have demonstrated competency in six core standards and criteria associated with nursing education through rigorous evaluation processes. For students this means more access, opportunity, and mobility for continuing education and job placement throughout the nation. 

During the past three years the department has been preparing for national accreditation, six Practical Nursing faculty have been advancing their nursing degrees. During the past year, all six have achieved their goal of obtaining a master’s degree in nursing. The faculty members include Shirley Lofquist, Peggy Rider, Jessica Herron (St. Xavier’s University), Julie Woitalla (Metropolitan State University), and Sarah Jennissen and Tara Karels (University of Minnesota, Moorhead). Eleven of the twelve full-time nursing faculty members now have master’s degrees in nursing.

Sep 16, 2013

Inaugural Poet Addresses CLC Audience

Courtesy of the Brainerd Dispatch • September 13, 2013
By Mike O'Rourke, Associate Editor 

Growing up as a “barely middle class” immigrant in Miami, poet Richard Blanco said there were pressures that led him toward the practical choice of an engineering degree. He’s worked, on and off, for 20 years in that field, but most Americans know him as one of only five poets to be asked to read his work at a presidential inauguration.
“One Today,” the poem he wrote for President Barack Obama’s 2013 presidential inauguration, catapulted Blanco to the forefront of American poets and brought his earlier publications recognition that other poets might work a lifetime to achieve.

Sep 9, 2013

CLC Announces Spring Travel Study Event

Central Lakes College is offering a travel study course to Italy during spring semester 2014.  Led by CLC English and Humanities instructor, Michael Soderlund, the class is open to both CLC students and community members. The Italian Renaissance Experience class will consist of two parts: a classroom exploration of the art and literature of the Renaissance, followed by a 10-day trip to Italy in March of 2014, during spring break.

The classroom content will focus on the phenomenal advances of the Italian artists and writers of the Renaissance during the 14th-16th centuries. The one-credit class will meet one evening a week during January and February of spring semester 2014, and community members who audit the course will be entitled to attend all pre-trip activities, information sessions, and lectures without being responsible for the associated coursework. 

Sep 6, 2013

Nolan Forum (hosted at CLC) Tackles Federal Budget

Courtesy of the Brainerd Dispatch • September 4, 2013
By Mike O'Rourke, Associate Editor 

Facing an estimated $17 trillion federal deficit, members of a capacity crowd at the Central Lakes College cafeteria sharpened their pencils and went to work Wednesday night.

Rep. Rick Nolan, D-Minn., co-sponsored the interactive public forum designed to solicit advice on how to balance the federal budget. It was also sponsored by Central Lakes College in Brainerd and the Concord Coalition, a nonpartisan group that champions fiscal stewardship.
“You’re going to get a feel for how difficult this is,” he said to an audience made up of both students and non-students.