Dec 28, 2012
Customized Training recognized

Volleyball moment

Dec 27, 2012
Staffing news
Grant Director
Marlene Mixa of Grand Rapids has accepted the temporary, full-time post of Director of Strategic Grant Initiatives effective Jan. 2, to be based on the Staples campus of Central Lakes College with oversight of the three-year, $13.1 million federal Regional Advanced Manufacturing Retraining Grant Program that involves CLC and three other higher education institutions. She will work with 30+ faculty and staff, and CFOs on a project that will impact up to 3,900 students and participants. She will oversee a $4.3 million annual budget and the development of intra-agency agreements with partner institutions. Marlene holds a BA in chemistry from Carleton College in Northfield and a PhD in
inorganic chemistry from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. She comes to CLC with 23 years of experience in manufacturing as an engineer for Blandin Paper and in research and product
development for paper companies in Maryland, Kentucky and Minnesota. Marlene has been involved in academia throughout her career and has served as a college
instructor, a member and chair of various education advisory boards, an academic
team coach and a student recruiter and mentor. She leaves a position as H2P Grant Project Manager at Pine Technical College.
Associate Registrar
Wendy Antolak has been named Associate Registrar at CLC to replace the retired Judy Nelson. Officially known as "Office and Administrative Specialist Principal," the post is based on the Brainerd campus in Student Affairs. It is a promotion of one of our senior staffers in Records and Registration. Wendy will manage the Degree Audit Reporting System, direct all preliminary andfinal graduation auditrs, and act as the college's Service Compliance Officer for all varsity athletic programs to determine student athletic eligibility.

Associate Registrar
Wendy Antolak has been named Associate Registrar at CLC to replace the retired Judy Nelson. Officially known as "Office and Administrative Specialist Principal," the post is based on the Brainerd campus in Student Affairs. It is a promotion of one of our senior staffers in Records and Registration. Wendy will manage the Degree Audit Reporting System, direct all preliminary andfinal graduation auditrs, and act as the college's Service Compliance Officer for all varsity athletic programs to determine student athletic eligibility.
'Shop with a Cop'

Single-parent party

Dec 10, 2012
Dental Assisting accreditation

Staff Stuff
Dec 7, 2012
Judy Nelson Day

Dec 6, 2012
CLC message signs

Dec 3, 2012
Fall celebration

Nov 30, 2012
Commit to complete

Nov 29, 2012
Blood drive

Nov 28, 2012
Teaching Jon Hassler

Images: http://www.flickr.com/photos/58518185@N04/
Nov 21, 2012
Food shelf fund-raiser

Nov 20, 2012
No bowl game
Central Lakes
College will not be sending its football team to the 2012 Valley of the Sun
Bowl in Arizona. CLC, which won the Minnesota College
Athletic Conference championship Nov. 4, was to have played Glendale Community
College on Dec. 1. It would have been the fourth bowl game in as many years for
the Raiders. “It appears as though we may have
had a relatively small, but still significant eligibility issue with a one or
more football players,” said Kelly McCalla, interim vice president of academic
affairs. He said the issue has to do with when a student is considered fulltime. “It appears to have been a student
misunderstanding” as opposed to willful wrong-doing, McCalla said. “It was a
simple mistake, but one with real consequences.”
Nov 19, 2012
Analyzing the Election

Surprise gift

Nov 15, 2012

Staff Stuff,
Nov 14, 2012
Civil War & Women's Movement

Cultural Thursday: International

Merry Tuba Christmas

Nov 9, 2012
'Night with Jon Hassler'

Choir concert
Central Lakes College Music Department presents "Songs of Love, Joy and
Farewell" Thursday, Nov. 29 at 7 p.m. in the Chalberg Theatre on the Brainerd campus.
Cantare Concert Choir and the CLC Chamber Choir will be singing an eclectic mix
of music by composers Irving Berlin, Felix Mendelssohn, Rodgers and Hammerstein
and many more. The evening will feature student and faculty collaborations and
solo spotlights including local favorites Steve Anderson, Chris Bolstad, and
student cellist Talitha Decker. The concert is under the direction of Brenda
Handel-Johnson and accompanied by Sarah Gorham. The event is free and the
public is invited to attend.
Nov 8, 2012
Freedom Wall

Nov 7, 2012
Nolan wins
Congressman Rick Nolan
Richard "Rick" Nolan, former president of the Central Lakes College Foundation Board of Directors, has won the Eighth District Congressional race, defeating one-term U.S. Rep. Chip Cravaack. Nolan, 68, is a Brainerd native and graduate of Brainerd High School. He has been a resident of Crosby. Rick served on the board from 2002-2011 and was the board president from 2008-10. He won with 54.34% of the vote (192,018) to 45.33% (160,182) for the incumbent. His campaign web site describes him thusly: "A former three-term Minnesota DFL Congressman recognized nationwide for his battles on behalf of working families, farmers, small businesses and rural communities. A successful small business owner who created jobs throughout northern Minnesota from the sawmill and pallet factory he owned in Emily. A dedicated community volunteer who raises money for college scholarships through the Central Lakes College Foundation. A true son of the 8th District, who hunts and harvests wild rice in the fall, boils maple syrup in spring and never misses a fishing opener."
Nov 2, 2012
Hall of Fame

Wig to leave CLC

Nov 1, 2012
VFW donates

American Indian Heritage Month

Oct 31, 2012
Biofuels collaboration

and the Brainerd Dispatch
have reported success from experiments in partnership with entities such as Anderson Bros. Construction and the Pillager-based Crow Wing Feeders.
CLC images: http://www.flickr.com/photos/58518185@N04/
Oct 26, 2012

College Drive is open

Images: http://www.flickr.com/photos/58518185@N04/
Oct 25, 2012
Rosenmeier forum
why we are voting on two Minnesota Constitutional Amendments this year? Wondering what the process is to amend the
state constitution? Wondering what other
states do? The Gordon Rosenmeier Center
for State & Local Government at Central Lakes College in Brainerd is
sponsoring an educational forum on “Amending the Minnesota Constitution” from
7 – 9 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 1 in Chalberg Theatre
on the Brainerd campus.
Commissioner presents

Record gift: $1.145 million

Images from the 10-24-12 Tree of Giving reception: http://www.flickr.com/photos/58518185@N04/
Oct 23, 2012
Alum's business growing

Oct 22, 2012
EZ Enrollment at Mille Lacs

HLC evaluators coming

Rotaract chartered

Lab assistant

Oct 18, 2012
Administrative Assistant reinstated

Oct 17, 2012
Veterans Farm Field Day

Tree of Giving Reception

Educator of Year nominations
Nominations are open until Nov. 7 for a prestigious statewide college and
university teaching award that since 2008 has included faculty from Central
Lakes College in Brainerd and Staples. The Minnesota State College and Universities Board of Trustees Educator
of the Year Award for Excellence in Teaching is an honor bestowed upon MnSCU
faculty to acknowledge and reward exceptional individual professional
accomplishment, and to encourage ongoing excellence, in teaching. This award is intended to recognize superior teaching at our colleges
and universities. The award proclaims, on behalf of the entire system, the
Board of Trustees’ pride in the dedication and accomplishment of our faculty in
providing instruction that prepares Minnesota’s college and university students
for their professional, scholarly, and civic lives.
CLC seeks accreditation renewal
Central Lakes College, Brainerd and
Staples, is seeking renewal of accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission,
a division of the North Central Association of Colleges and
1972, accreditation visits by review teams have resulted in sustained
accreditation that ensures student access to education that transfers credits to
baccalaureate institutions. It is seen as a stamp of approval with regard to
grants, loans, and valued certification from
employers. Accredited schools offer instruction from faculty who meet qualifications
and set consistent and high standards for students, as well as policies
supporting student rights. A team of trained consultant
evaluators from HLC will be on the CLC campuses Oct. 29-31 as the concluding
phase of a process last completed in 2002.
News release to media 10-15-12
News release to media 10-15-12
Oct 16, 2012
Writing festival at CLC

Oct 15, 2012
Operation Community Connect

MLB chief exec at CLC Nov. 1

Pfeffer honored

Oct 11, 2012
Day of Celebration

Oct 10, 2012
Psychological profiling in politics

Oct 9, 2012
Diversity events

Oct 5, 2012
Human Rights programs

Little Buffalo Creek project
Crow Wing Soil and Water District (SWCD) and the City of Brainerd have released a
study on the health of the Little Buffalo Creek. The Natural Resources program at Central
Lakes College partnered with the City, Crow Wing County, Land Mosaic
Collaborative LLC, and Board of Water Soil and Resources to complete the
study. Kent Montgomery, CLC Natural Resources instructor, said: “This partnership was unique
because it integrated our Field Methods and Freshwater class
into the project. Students completed initial land use cover and GIS analysis of
this watershed.”
Oct 4, 2012
Student Success Day

Oct 3, 2012
Sviggum visits

Sep 25, 2012
Ex-Congressman to present for CLL

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