Central Lakes College has won a national second-place award from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations, which represents professionals at community and technical colleges. The Silver Paragon Award recognizes the 256-page academic catalog produced for 2008-2010 by the team of Kenn Dols, Steve Waller, and Sasha Sparks. Sparks, graphic arts specialist at CLC, received a district scholarship to attend the NCMPR conference in Albuquerque, N.M., March 14-17. Last year Sparks received a Bronze Paragon for a computer-generated illustration promoting the college writing awards as a poster. This is the third Paragon Award in four years for CLC, which received a Gold Paragon in 2006 for Best Feature/News Story. Paragon Awards recognize achievement among communicators in the only national competition of its kind that exclusively honors excellence among marketing and PR professionals at two-year colleges.