Central Lakes College Landscaping Technology students are working at Northland Arboretum tocreate a waterfall and pond near the visitors' center parking lot. They are following up on the work begun by students at CLC more than a year ago under the guidance of instructorJeff Dirks and WoodSpirit Gardens of Backus. About 18 students were putting the finishing touches on the project this week. Non-profit entities are often aided by the Horticulture program,and since CLC has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Arb, a number of interactive opportunities will continue to involve CLC faculty and students. The students joined volunteers with the University of Minnesota Extension Service and DNR master naturalist program to place tons of boulders and materials to create an area for future generations to enjoy in the middle of urban Brainerd/Baxter. The project is expected tobe finished Wednesday, May 5.