Central Lakes College students are enjoying Snow Days on the Staples and Brainerd campuses of the community and technical college. Erich Heppner, director of student activities, reports that at Staples last week Kendra Hutchison and Alyssa Ostberg from the Communication Art and design program solved the Medallion Hunt by finding the prize in the hall between the Robotics labs. It was a tough task, thanks to the cleverly written clues provided by instructors Leon Dahlvang and Sandy Porter. A Student Auction raised $350 for the campus food shelf andf the Student Emergency Fund. One student alone managed to produce a bid of $150. The blood drive attracted 40 donors, with the Medical Assistants Club earning a pizza party as the club with the highst percentage of donors. Snow Days on the Brainerd campus Feb. 28-March 4 includes a blood drive March 2 in the gym, intramural basketball and a pool tournament.