The Central Lakes College Veterans’ Resource Center in Brainerd on Tuesday, July 27, will host an afternoon for American Indian military veterans, spouses and their dependents. The event is for anyone interested in exploring higher education and educational benefits that are available through military education programs. Veterans and their families will meet in C226, which is the Veterans’ Resource Center at Central Lakes College, from noon to 4 p.m. A traditional blessing will open the event, followed by a feast, a tour of the campus, and a presentation about the programs and services available to veterans, spouses and dependents. Staff from the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs Higher Education Program and Veterans Upward Bound will be available to provide one-to-one guidance to explore education benefits. Staff from Central Lakes College will be available to provide additional assistance. For information, contact Deb Dewey, Veterans’ Resource Center civic engagement coordinator, at 218-855-8279 or email at ddewey@clcmn.edu