A Central Lakes College delegation has delivered a package of donations to Mexico for Friends of the Orphans. Spanish instructor Jan Kurtz, students Abra Fisk of Fort Ripley and Heidi Purdy of Brainerd, and staffers Tyra Osvold of the Veterans Resource Center and Susan Bowman from Technology Support accompanied items that had been collected from students and churches in the final days of the spring semester. The five women took a large suitcase of children’s clothing, including 250 pair of underwear, as well as children’s books for Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (Our Little Brothers and Sisters), a network of orphanages in Latin America and the Caribbean. Immersed in the language for six hours of conversational learning each day, they added to the experience by staying with Mexican host families.“We went on an excursion that included the Basilica of Guadalupe and Teotihuacan, the city of gods and pyramid of the sun and moon,” said Kurtz.