The Brainerd campus of Central Lakes College on Saturday, Oct. 30 will host Crow Wing County’s inaugural Operation Community Connect, an event sponsored by the Crow Wing County Coalition to End Poverty. The event from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. is being held to provide a one-stop shop for individuals and families in the Crow Wing County area to apply for various types of benefits, receive information on opportunities for them, and apply for social service assistance. Free workshops include Nutritious Meal Demonstration, Women’s Health 101, Bridge to Benefits (benefit eligibility), Basics of Financial Literacy, Family Law Panel, and Job Searching. Other free services available at the event will be haircuts, energy assistance, gas and food cards, veteran assistance, benefit screening for housing and employment, and public health. Lunch is included. Partnering Agencies/Organizations include Bridges of Hope, Central Lakes College- Upward Bound, College of St. Scholastica Social Work Program, Crow Wing County, Lakes Area Senior Center, Legal Aid Services, Lutheran Social Service - Energy Assistance, Lutheran Social Service – HOPE Housing, Northern Pines Mental Health, Parish Nurses, Rural Minnesota CEP, and Tri-County Community Action, Inc. Information is available by calling Natasha Leyk, AmeriCorps VISTA, at (218) 825-7682 or email