Deuces Wild! to replace George Winston
Grammy Award-winning pianist George Winston has canceled his Tuesday, Oct.
23 benefit concert at Central Lakes College in Brainerd due to medical reasons. Winston, 63, was to present a
solo concert as a student scholarships fundraiser. Replacing Winston will be Deuces
Wild! Dueling Pianos -- David Charles Eichholz and Ted Manderfeld. The Waite Park-based artists
present a piano variety act offering a Las Vegas-style show mix of comedy,
enticing extensive audience participation and featuring an unlikely and
surprising mix of music and parodies. Ranging from classic rock to country to
rap to show tunes- they do it all, and they do it hilariously well. The Deuces Wild! Dueling Pianos show
has appeared throughout the Midwest in performances for colleges and
universities, corporations, conferences, weddings, and fundraisers. For
information about the performers, go to Tickets
for reserved seats are $35 or $50 per person. The $35 seats are available next
to either auditorium wall - the two seats next to the wall which are not on an
aisle. All other seats are $50. For more information please call Pam Thomsen, director of resource
development and CLC Foundation, at (218) 855-8129 (toll-free 800-933-0346 ext. 8129) or email