Jan 24, 2013


Bob Brekken, a history instructor at Central Lakes College, on Tuesday, Feb. 5 will present “Abraham Lincoln: How He Became America’s Greatest Politician” sponsored by the Center for Lifelong Learning in Brainerd. Brekken’s program from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Business and Industry Center of the Brainerd campus will examine the changes that took place in Lincoln’s successful resolution of the Civil War and abolition of slavery, as depicted in the popular Steven Spielberg film, “Lincoln.” Brekken attended CLC when it was Brainerd Junior College, and he went on to earn a bachelor’s degree from Concordia College and his MA in history from the University of Minnesota. He has been a full-time instructor at CLC since 2006 and was an adjunct for two years before that. The program is free to CLL members and $6 for non-members. Phone registrations are accepted with a personal debit/credit card at 218-855-8142 or 1-800-933-0346, Ext.8142. Online registration can be accomplished at http://clcmn.augusoft.net  and clicking on courses. For information email to bberg@clcmn.edu