The Central Lakes College
Sigma Delta Law Enforcement Club earned numerous awards at the Regional
American Criminal Justice Association conference. The conference was held in
Chicago for region 6 which includes the states of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin,
Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. The conference consists of competitions, seminars, workshops and regional business meeting. A closing banquet is held at the end of the Conference and trophies are awarded to the winners who competed throughout the week.
Trophies earned by CLC instructors and students:
David Davis, 3rd Place - Professional
Individual Firearms
Gae Davis, David Davis, and
Curtis Pribnow, 2nd Professional Place - Team Firearms
Joe Lomax, 3rd Place - Individual
Firearms Upper Division
Gae Davis, Professional
Division 2nd Place - Police Management
Curtis Pribnow, 2nd Place Professional
- Physical Agility
David Davis, 1st Place
Professional Division - Physical
Elizabeth King, Lower
Division 3rd Place - Physical Agility
Gae Davis, Curtis Pribnow,
and David Davis, 1st Professional Place - Crime Scene
David Davis, 1st Place - Juvenile
Justice Professional Division
Conference attendees for
Central Lakes College included Elizabeth King, Amber Nornberg, Joe Lomax,
Travis Gleason, Danielle Jabas, Fransciska Ellestad, Curt Pribnow, David Davis
and Gae Davis
The students worked
countless hours in the community to raise funds to earn their way to the conference.