Who wants free swag? Everybody, of course.
This week, we here at CLC are hooking you up with some stylin' college gear.
All you have to do is follow CLC on social media. Pretty simple.
Every day this week (April 6-10) we will post this promotion on Facebook.
Once you see that post:
1. Share the Facebook post.
2. Then, follow CLC on either Twitter or Instagram.
3. Wait for your chance to win. At 4 p.m. every day this week, we'll pick a name at random. That person will get to pick out their favorite piece of CLC gear.
(That's five chances to win!)
Find Central Lakes College online:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/centrallakescollege
Twitter: @clcmnedu
Instagram: @clcmnedu
Got it? Good.
Ready, set, start liking!