Dr. Suresh Tiwari, vice president of academic and student affairs at Central Lakes College, invites nominations of CLC instructors for the Outstanding Educator award presented annually by the MnSCU Board of Trustees. "CLC has been fortunate to have so many wonderful, caring, engaged and outstanding faculty in its ranks," VP Tiwari said. "In recent years Kari Frisch, Jan Bedard, Gary Carson, Betsy Picciano, Nancy Smith, and Jan Kurtz have been recognized through this award." Any employee of CLC, student, alumni, or community member may nominate. A nominee must be full-time and unlimited, tenured, and have at least three years of full-time teaching service. Once designated as a nominee for CLC, a faculty member must create a teaching portfolio to demonstrate consistent exemplary teaching and to provide evidence of contributions to student learning. Nominations are open through Wed., Oct.19. For details and a nomination form, contact Scott Foster, 218-855-8271 or