Two students from Pakistan at Central Lakes College, Brainerd, will present the next free Cultural Thursday program on Thursday, Nov. 3 from noon to 12:50 p.m. in Chalberg Theatre. The program is open to the public. Imran Samuel (left), 31, is eager to talk about the variety of cultures in Pakistan with their individual foods, styles of dress, lifestyles, and ceremonies. He also will point out the contrasts with American culture. He said family bonding and a “joint family system” are part of Pakistani life. “Parents always live with their children, even after their marriages,” he said. Irshad Hussain (right), 24, is from one of the remote areas of Pakistan, where he said he grew up in humble conditions. “I have learned to accept challenges and believe that to live life in a better way is itself a big challenge, particularly for someone like me who has always encountered obstacles.” The students are attending CLC for one year through the Community Colleges for International Development program sponsored by the U.S. State Department. CLC was the first college in Minnesota approved for participation three years ago.