March 1-5 is Snow Days Week at the Staples campus of Central Lakes College. The Student Senate is sponsoring the following: Medallion Hunt - The hunt will begin on Monday and conclude on Friday. Two clues a day will be posted outside of the Student Senate Office and also at the West Campus. The student who finds the medallion must turn it in at the Bookstore. The Medallion Hunt winner will be awarded an iPod Shuffle. Daily Dress Up Days - Each day of the Snow Days Week will feature a different dress up theme. A prize will be awarded each day for the best dressed student. Students who dress up can go to either the Bookstore or to Nancy Schmidt's Office on the West Campus to enter themselves for the "Best of the Day Award." Monday's prize will be a $10 gift card to Tower Pizza, Tuesday a $15 gift card to the Bookstore, Wednesday a free month of tanning at Caribbean Beach Tanning Salon in Brainerd, Thursday a $10 gift card to Giovanni's Pizza, Friday a $10 gift card to the Cafeteria. A grand prize of a pizza party will also be awarded at the end of the week to the program with the highest percentage of dress up participants.