On Feb. 11, 19 Central Lakes College students and two instructors, all part of the Communication Art and Design program, took a walk. This walk had a purpose: Show support for the people of Haiti. Even college students can take a time out from busy schedules to help those in need. The Walk for Haiti was a 5-kilometer (3.1 mile) pledge-walk sponsored by the CLC Graphic Design Club, The Artery. The club raised $970 for Project Haiti, a medical mission volunteer group in the Crosby-Aitkin with 20 years of service to the global community. The club thanks all those who helped out with the walk, especially North Portage Apparel for printing the T-shirts designed by student Jay Spindler at a very low cost, Tower Pizza for donating eight pizzas to the club, and instructors Leon Dahlvang and Don Garey for their time and encouragement. And, of course, those who pledged money to the walkers. CLC has now raised over $6,000 for Project Haiti.