The Central Lakes College Environmental Studies class, in collaboration with the Green Team and Green Club at CLC, is planning the Community Earth Day Fair on the Brainerd campus Wed., April 25. It is expected to run from 9:30 or 10 a.m. to about 3:30 p.m. The event follows several years of similar activities to demonstrate awareness and discussion of environmental matters, including efforts to combat pollution, erosion and other detrimental elements. It is an opportunity for organizations to illustrate products and services related to conservation and quality of life via things such as recycling, rain gardens, bee keeping, composting, shoreland buffering, backyard birding, rain barrels, and general environmental education. Space and tables may be reserved by clubs, agencies, businesses, and all organizations with environmental focus of message. Gary Carson, instructor, is the contact at gcarson@clcmn.edu or (218) 855-8079.