Steve McKay (shown), president of the
Natural Resources Club at CLC, said officials acknowledged the fact that CLC
students helped make the event run smoothly. “We made many new connections
in the wildlife field and learned a lot about wildlife issues and science in our region.”
Besides CLC students and instructors, the attendees were wildlife
professionals and many students from North Dakota State University, the
University of North Dakota, Valley City State University, Minnesota State
University Moorhead, Bemidji State University, and University of Minnesota-Crookston
and Twin Cities.
Mike Hayden, former Governor of Kansas, was the featured speaker.
Meeting topics ranged from policy
driven issues such as the North Dakota equivalent to Minnesota’s Legacy
Amendment and the potential environmental damage as a result of the oil boom, particularly
regarding the wildlife implications.
Also discussed were the bird and
bat migration corridors around Lake Superior and the need for these to be wind
turbine-free areas.
Presenters spoke of aspects
regarding management of wildlife disease and duck population studies, as well
as updated research with genes and biodiversity matters.
McKay said that for many of his CLC classmates this was a “first chance at seeing what kind of research they can do and
what they can accomplish by
going to school.”
For others, it was a chance to meet professionals and pick their brains
about their work and improve prospects for internships, McKay said.