Oct 5, 2012

Little Buffalo Creek project

Crow Wing Soil and Water District (SWCD) and the City of Brainerd have released a study on the health of the Little Buffalo Creek. The Natural Resources program at Central Lakes College partnered with the City, Crow Wing County, Land Mosaic Collaborative LLC, and Board of Water Soil and Resources to complete the study. Kent Montgomery, CLC Natural Resources instructor, said: “This partnership was unique because it integrated  our Field Methods and Freshwater class into the project. Students completed initial land use cover and GIS analysis of this watershed.”
This project included an integrative water quality and land use study of the Little Buffalo Creek Sub-watershed (area of land that drains into the Little Buffalo Creek). The report describes the study area, methods and models used for the analysis, descriptions of individual sub-watershed recommended projects to help clean Little Buffalo Creek, and a cost-benefit analysis of each project based on pollutant load reduction.
Melissa Barrick, Crow Wing SWCD District Manager, said: “The study will help the SWCD, City of Brainerd, and Crow Wing County prioritize projects that will improve the health of Little Buffalo Creek.”
This partnership will also utilize this study to leverage competitive Clean Water Legacy funds from BWSR. The SWCD has applied for $329,750 to complete practices recommended in the study to restore health of the Little Buffalo Creek. An interagency team will review the application and the BWSR Board is expected to make final appropriations in December.
Beth Hippert, SWCD Technician, said: “We see the Little Buffalo Creek as a real asset to the area and look forward to working with the Brainerd community on this innovative approach to stormwater water management.”
Funds for this project were provided in part by the Board of Water Soil Resources, Clean Water Legacy Amendment, and the SWCD.
To receive a copy of the report contact Melissa Barrick by phone 218-828-6197 or e-mail melissa.barrick@crowwingswcd.org or visit http://www2.co.crow-wing.mn.us/swcd/.