The Central Lakes College Videography Production program provided the Vacationland Figure Skating Club with a full-scale video production of its annual Year on Ice skate show at the Brainerd Area Civic Center. A half-dozen second-year students from the Staples campus program spent part of each day last week setting up, capturing footage at rehearsals, establishing camera positions, and perfecting the direction of shots. Students working on the project were Latoya Ross-Sullivan (director),
Matt Johnson (technical director), Spencer Thompson (camera), Matt
Britton (camera), Chris Hoffman (production manager), Brittany Stansbury
(production assistant), Kayla Voss (production assistant), and Nolan
Betterman (camera). Other students had minor
assignments. Four cameras were employed in the project, supervised by instructor Mark Ambroz. Performances on Saturday and Sunday, as well as the Friday night dress rehearsal, were all treated like a live broadcast with multiple cameras, switchers, and directors.