“The Mysterious Case of Ella: Girl from the Cinders,” the 2010 Children’s Theatre class production, on May 6 wraps up its run for about 1,500 children bussed to CLC. The play was written by Dennis Lamberson and published by Drama Source, Inc. as part of the children’s theatre anthology “The Magic Theatre Trunk.” This is the 27th annual children’s theatre production and plays for 14 school performances from April 6 to May 6. The cast includes Kaleb Anderson as the Prince of Dillydob and Emily Peterson as Ella. The comic stepsisters are played by Robyn Siliznoff and Kate Huppler. Cassandra Pearson is the wicked Stepmother Dearest. Marc Oliphant is Sir Reginal The Third, Ella’s father. The Village People are Ben Brown, Leah Hochmayr, Marlee Myer, Morgan Morrie, Ashly Erickson, Bruce Praska, Heidi Rider, and Jill Rinde. Kenny Simon is Sir Hairy Terrier-Snoop Dog. (Brainerd Dispatch photo)