The Minnesota Fine Arts Festival will be held at Breezy Point Resort Thursday and Friday, April 8 and 9. The annual event brings together almost 400 singers and musicians from 10 two-year public colleges, including Central Lakes College. Steve Anderson, eight-time festival coordinator, is in his 19th year as instrumental music director at CLC. He said that the event finale is a free, massed concert that includes members of both the vocal and instrumental music programs at CLC. “There will be participants who are members from the CLC Choir, the Community Band, and the Jazz Band,” Anderson said of the 5 p.m. concert to be performed in the Whitebirch Room at Breezy Point Convention Center. During the two-day festival, groups representing some of the schools perform at showcases for other participants. The CLC Jazz Ensemble, a 17-piece band, starts the Thursday showcase at 9 p.m.