The Central Lakes College fastpitch softball team on Saturday, April 24 clinched a state tournament berth. The Raiders swept a doubleheader against the Cardinals of Hibbing, 9-1 and 5-1, in Minnesota College Athletic Conference Northern Division play. The wins set up a showdown doubleheader against division leader and No. 1 nationally ranked Itasca at Grand Rapids. In the first game vs. Hibbing CLC pounded 18 hits, nine of them doubles. Brittany Gravelle and Lindsey Fryer (left) each poked a pair of doubles. Trisha Wippler and Alicia Johnson each homered, while Fryer and Gravelle both went 4-for-4. Gravelle and Tika Nichols went 4-4 in the second game. Ashley Rodriguez belted a home run. Ashly Erickson was the winning pitcher in both games. The Raiders raised their record to 21-9, 14-4 in division play.