The second annual Central Lakes College Writers Conference was held April 8 on the Brainerd campus, with Pequot Lakes author Candance Simar as the keynote speaker. CLC faculty joined Candace to present break-out sessions for those attending the free afternoon event. The instructors were Donna Salli, Ryan Deblock, Leane Perius, and Marilyn Moses. Candace, author of the historical novel "Abercrombie Trail," read sneak-preview excerpts from her next movel, "Pomme de Terre" to be published in June. She explained some of the work involved with writing her first book, which was a 12-year process. Historical research investigated the people who lived in Minnesota in the 19th century, immigrant settlers and their conflicts with indigenous groups, and the struggles for survival. Candance has published many poems and stories in magazines such as Lake Country Journal.