May 7, 2012

Beat The Heat Week results

The results of Beat the Heat Week competitions show that Central Lakes College students know how to have good fun with fellow collegians -- and the CLC staff. Erich Heppner, director of student life at CLC, provided the names of winners: Faculty and Staff vs. Students Softball: Faculty & Staff reclaimed the Dirty Cleat Award in a well-fought battle in the field of dreams. Disk Golf: Grand Opening Tournament winner was Joe Ellstrom. Sand Volleyball Co-Ed Tournament champs: Team Ramrod; Medallion Hunt: The Super Sleuth Winner of a $50 Super One Gift Card was Shay Samuelson, also known as The Saturday Night Fever Dancer; Flag Football Champs: Team Wolf Pack; Intramural Softball Champions: The Raging Bulls; Xbox Kinect Just Dance Competition winner: Ms. Sydney Wold. Pictures may be found at the CLC Public Information Flickr web site: