The Staples Student Senate once again planned a very well-attended Tour De
Staples Freedom Walk/Run Saturday, May 5 at the Staples campus. The $500 raised this year is earmarked for the Central Lakes College
Veterans Resource Centers on the Staples and Brainerd campuses. Results of the competitive run:
Individual Men - 1. Wes Delong 18:25, 2. Justin Thorr 19:44, 3. Dan Bye 20:58;
Individual Women - 1. Elizabeth Stokes 22:33; 2. Caitlin Roth 22:40, 3. Jackie Dahl
; Team - (4 person total) 1. Team Stokes
99:51, 2. Team Robotics 108:29, 3. Team Sheyna 173:42.