The Computer Technology program at CLC today held a showcase for its Advisory Committee and CLC administration. Students discussed projects and career plans while demonstrating many skills they have attained from their course work with instructors. CLC President Larry Lundblad managed a little keyboard time and took a sneak peek at Windows 8, assisted by student Garrett Wedan. The new software isn't scheduled for public release until next year, but CLC students will be using it fairly soon in the Computer Technology career education program. Advisory Committee members from the community are Jeff Schulz, Angie Adams, Wally Bostrom, Colleen Huseth, Tim Kinnaman, Jeremy Klomp, Tim Larson, Todd O'Hotto, Bob Olson, Greg Parks, and Kevin Parrish. Instructors are Dar and Ron Houle, Chuck Lund, and Ryan Salner.