May 30, 2012

College Drive closure

Anderson Brothers Construction Company of Brainerd has informed the City of Brainerd that construction on College Drive is progressing according to schedule. The project includes the shifting of traffic from College Drive to Mississippi Parkway in the area of the Central Lakes College between the intersections of Mississippi Parkway and SW Fourth Street. College Drive will be closed between these intersections but local access will be maintained to Southwest Eighth Street. Also note that parking on Mississippi Parkway be not be allowed until traffic is restored to College Drive. The Closure will begin at 7AM on Monday, June 4th and will go into July. 
 This closure will allow construction on this portion of College Drive to be completed more quickly this Summer. Improvements in this area will include the installation of two of the three roundabouts, along with storm sewer, water and sewer connections, sidewalks, retaining wall, new curb & gutter, and blacktop paving.

Included in the change in traffic flow will also be a shift of motorists to the new paving near the Mississippi River Bridge. Motorists will be moved to the south side of College Drive so that work can be completed on the north half of the roadway and bridge.

Vehicles and pedestrians travelling in the College Drive Improvement area are asked to slow down and drive or use the roadway with caution. The City of Brainerd and Anderson Brothers Construction Company want to thank local area businesses and the public for their patience during this construction process. Additional information is available by accessing the website at or by contacting Ron Bray, Project Engineer, at 612.360.1280 or Bryon Amo, Project Inspector, at 320-420-1255.