The Central Lakes College Accounting Club capped a semester-long drive by delivering donated goods to two non-profit agencies serving those in need – New Pathways Family Day Center and Women’s Center of Mid-Minnesota, both in Brainerd. The 27-member organization on the Brainerd campus includes first- and second-year accounting students who are committed to the CLC mission: We build futures. During the fall term, members organized a drive to solicit donated goods, apparel, and gift certificates for products at area businesses. Donation boxes across campus identified the purpose of the club’s project to assist the less fortunate. On Dec. 17, several students loaded 12 boxes of supplies and delivered the gifts to the New Pathways transitional shelter for homeless families with children and the women’s center for victims of domestic violence. The gifts included diapers, new and clean used clothing, toys, games, dolls, stuffed animals, infant car seats, gift wrap, and a number of $5 gift certificates. Instructor Elizabeth Ahrens, club adviser, and colleague Jackie Okrai of the Accounting faculty are proud of their students.