Rick Otteson, longtime Central Lakes College Buildings and Grounds supervsior, was treated to a surprise 60th birthday celebration over the lunch hour Thursday, Dec. 16 on the Brainerd campus. He was called to a routine meeting, but a few minutes into the session he was met in the college administrative conference room by about two dozen colleagues singing "Happy Birthday" and holding "Rick on a Stick" in front of their own faces. They brought a cake, several gifts, and a Rick-O-Meter designed to measure the degree of facial color brought on by the festivities recognizing his 60th birthday (which is actually Friday, Dec. 17). The orchestrators were Clyde Oliver and JJ Larson, assisted by other partners in crime such as Mike Vogt, instructor in the Photographic Imaging program at Staples, who made the Rick Otteson photo appear for the sticks. Now this turned out to be a nice meeting, didn't it Rick?