The small-scale
biofuels project under way at the Center is being conducted to test the
“Distributed Energy” concept. This
involves growing renewable energy crops locally, processing them locally and
consuming the fuel locally. It has the advantage of a college working farm,
existing biofuels infrastructure, Diesel Mechanics program, Heavy Equipment
program and enthusiastic farming community.
Exhibitors and educational vendors with
environmental and eco responsibility have been invited to reserve space for the
event. Past participants have included agencies with natural resources
orientation and producers of organic and conservation-based products and
The sponsoring
Environmental Studies class, Natural Resources students, and Horticulture and
Landscaping students at CLC have announced the following schedule:
10 a.m. and noon – “Backyard
Birds” with Judd Brink on ways to attract birds to your yard and
home, W 145; “Rain Gardens” with Beth Hippert.
11 a.m. and 1 p.m. – “Green
Fire” video about the life and work of Aldo
Leopold and his ideal of the Land Ethic, Chalberg Theatre; “Biofuels”
with Bob Schafer, W 120.
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Cook-Out near the South
Doors offering grilled burgers, hot dogs, chips, and beverage for $5.
Noon to 1:30 p.m. – Games and
activity time for little ones, hosted by Environmental Studies class and
Natural Resources students. Meet at the Circle Cube by the cafeteria.
Noon – Food Web Game by the
Environmental Studies class and NR students.
12:30 p.m. – How many
Bears live in the Woods by the Environmental Studies class and NR students.
1 p.m. – Pine Cone Bird Feeders by
the Environmental Studies class and NR students.
3-3:45 p.m. – Earth Day Prize
Drawing in cafeteria area.
Gary Carson, environmental studies and natural
resources instructor at CLC, is the contact for interested vendors or anyone
else needing more information, who may reach him at (218) 855-8079 or email gcarson@clcmn.edu