The Subsection 24 solo and ensemble vocal music contest of the Minnesota State High School League will be held on the Brainerd campus of Central Lakes College Wednesday, with up to 400 singers expected throughout the day. Schools entered are Bertha-Hewitt, Lake Region Christian, Menahga, New York Mills, Pequot Lakes, Pillager, Pine River-Backus, Sebeka, Staples-Motley, Verndale, and Wadena-Deer Creek. Most of the activity is expected to be in the east and northeast portion of campus, where rooms with pianos have been reserved for the day. Lunches will be eaten in the 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. period in the Multi-purpose Room (E101). Judges have a sequestered areas in the Rosenmeier Room off the Jon Hassler Library to tabulate and report the ratings of Superior, Excellent, etc. and determine who advances to the May 5 sectional contest at a site to be determined.