Have your donation dollars doubled when you give to the Central Lakes College Foundation at GiveMN.org, during the Bremer Give-to-the-Kids Challenge, Sept. 28 through Oct. 5. The CLC Foundation in Brainerd and Staples was chosen as one of the youth-serving nonprofits in greater Minnesota to benefit from the Bremer Give-to-the-Kids Challenge. The first $6,000 the Foundation generates through online donations at GiveMN.org during the challenge will be matched (dollar for dollar) by The Otto Bremer Foundation. “Your generous donation will help us fulfill our mission of providing scholarships to Central Lakes College students,” said Pam Thomsen, Director of Resource Development and CLC Foundation. “Bremer will match dollar for dollar up to $6,000 in donations. That’s potentially $12,000 in unrestricted funds to the Foundation. Please go to http://givemn.razoo.com/story/Bremer-Kids-Challenge-Central-Lakes-College-Foundation to double your dollars to students through the CLC Foundation. Thank you for your support as we strive to shape the future of our community.” If you have any questions, please contact Pam at x8129 or email pthomsen@clcmn.edu