The Staples Campus Student Senate of Central Lakes College is sponsoring the Tour de Staples 5K Walk/Freedom Run Saturday, May 7 to benefit the CLC Veterans Resource Center. Community veterans at this event will be on hand to accept donations for Staples All-Veterans Park.The 5-kilometer (3.1-mile) race for runners starts at 10:30 a.m., with the non-competitive walk beginning moments later. Registration is from 9 to 10 a.m. for those not signing up in advance through the Staples Campus CLC Bookstore. The entry fees are $15 advance, $20 day of event for individual adults, $25/$30 for teams of three to six people, and free to ages 11-under. All participants receive 5K Walk/Run T-shirts and refreshments before and/or after the event. Award recognition is presented to the top individual and team finishers. While racers can complete the distance in 20 minutes or less, walkers may take as much time as they want, but most will finish within an hour of their start. Rain, wind, and spring sunshine are all part of the experience in previous years. Nothing stops this event. To register, make checks payable to Central Lakes College, delivered to the CLC Bookstore, Staples Campus, 1830 Airport Road, Staples, Minn., 56479. Registration forms are available in various newspaper ads or can be obtained by contacting Heppner at eheppner@clcmn.edu or (952) 807-3279.