The public performances of Central Lakes College’s Children’s Theatre production of Tinytown –A Very, Very Poor Village” will be Saturday April 16 at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Dryden Theatre on the Brainerd campus. Loosely based on the story “Stone Soup.” the play is written by Dennis Lamberson. Tinytown, located in the lush valley between the Tower Mountains in the Kingdom of Dillydob, is a rich and prosperous village. When the villagers hear rumors of a royal visit they fear taxes will be raised and pretend to be very poor. This little fib proves fatal, as the Prince of Dillydob has really come to spend money in their town, for he loves to shop. The production is playing to over 1,200 school children during the 10 performances for schools playing through May 5. District 181’s Community Education Department (Brainerd) purchased tickets for all second graders to attend the theatre. The cast includes Ralph Knowlton as Alex the inventor, Dillon Pool is The Prince of Dillydob and Justin Jordan as the Mayor and his twin brother Horace, the goat herder. Savannah Spreeman plays Millie, a girl on the look-out for a husband. The deceitful villagers are played by Ariel Sutton, Beatrice Mitchell, Katie Nier, Aidan Muller and Nicholas Brutscher and Bruce Praska is the Prince’s body guard. The 2 p.m. show April 16 is an ASL-signed performance. Tickets are $5.