New students are enrolling for the summer and fall courses at Central Lakes College, Brainerd and Staples. On Thursday, April 14, the spring's first EZ Enrollment for all programs attracted a large number of registrants to the Brainerd campus. By mid-morning the lines had grown as these new students proceeded through areas such as Financial Aid, Business Office, TRIO Student Support Services, Counseling, Assessment, and Admissions. The idea is to offer enroling students a one-stop, single-day means to sign up for clases and leave the campus that day with course schedule in hand. CLC is a pioneering institution that designed the efficient and convenient model for what can otherwise often be a time-consuming and more expensive endeavor. It is one reason that affordable, safe Central Lakes College is the fastest growing quality college in Minnesota. EZ Enrollment Days are scheduled throughout the spring and into summer on both the Brainerd and Staples campuses. Check the CLC website calendar for details,